asalam alaikum
Sometimes, when you have been doing something for a long time (like a long long drive) or sticking to a routine, it is very possible that you verve a little and sway a bit from where you are meant to be going. A little distraction can have you going in the other lane or even taking a wrong turn or missing your exit altogether.
So it is crucial to keep your destination in mind and keep checking where you are headed from time to time, just as a reminder. A wrong turn or missed exit might lead to loss of time, loss of effort and a lot of nuisance.
So lets check ourselves ...
We all humans are here on this Earth, living our lives. We are all passengers, en route to our death. It is this journey and the direction you take that will determine how death and eventually the after life will be. As per my faith, I believe in the HereAfter and that I am responsible for the time, energy, resources, skills and all that, that I have been given (which again are not my own) and how I use them and how I determine my path. I will be held accountable for every single item, down to a minuscule bit and down to a single second.
We are directed towards death and ultimately will meet our Creator, Allah, subhanahu wa taala. Allah is the Creator of each and everything, as small as whatever science has discovered today and even smaller than that, which we are not even aware of up to as large as this universe and even larger things, creatures, beings, that we are not even aware of.
When Allah is the Creator, Ruler, Master of everything, what is the significance of my life in this whole huge universe, what is the significance of my actions, of my words, and of how I choose to lead my life? What does He, my Creator and my Sustainer, want from me? But more importantly, what do I want from Him?
I wanted everything, in this life and in the Hereafter! Dont you? This was the direction I was going towards, but I was corrected the other day alhamdolillah.
Our purpose is to make His want our want, His marzi our marzi and for us to become His in all sense of the word. If we are directed towards Allah, we have to do things the way He wants us to. It will be totally insane to go towards the King, the President, the Boss, the whose-ever-you-look-to, when you know he is watching your every move, and doing/saying things that you know he doesnt like and not doing/saying things that you know he likes and then expect them to be kind to you and give you a pat on the back and listen to your requests and then fulfill them also. I don't want to be this insane, do you?
If you become Allah's, then Allah promises (the promise of the Creator who never breaks His promise) you success and ultimate victory, that no one can take away from you, even if everyone combines against you, they all couldn't defeat you. If you choose not to, then Allah doesn't care also. He will leave you and even with the support of everything and everyone you will loose because Allah will not be yours.
All that is living will eventually die - my life is with an expiry date, bundled into my destiny that will not change. What I make of my destiny and how I choose to reach it is in my hands, I have the will and the freedom to choose it, the steering wheel is in my hands.
If I submit to Allah now, He will become the eyes that I see from, the ears that I listen from, the hands I do things with and the legs that carry me forward. Once this happens, Allah will not let me make any misjudgment, no veering from the right path, no mistakes, this path of Hidayah that leads to Allah. InshaAllah.
Become Allah's. If you really want it, He will make it easy for you and guide you on every step with each breath all the way. Maasalama.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
Lessons in Haya (The story of Prophet Moses (Musa elay salam))
Showcasing the shyness of a shepherdess
Allah mentions good people in the Qur’an and highlights their good points when He is pleased with them, so that we indirectly identify the stamp of approval He has given in order to incorporate that behavior in our own actions.In the following incident from the life of Prophet Musa, Allah describes a shy young woman’s praiseworthy demeanor. The verses quoted are from Surah Al-Qasas (28: 23-28) and the explanation is from Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir.
“And when he arrived at the water (a well) of Madyan,” which means, when he reached Madyan and went to drink from its water, “for it had a well where shepherds used to water their flocks,” meaning he found there a group of men watering, “and besides them he found two women who were keeping back,” which means, they were stopping their sheep from drinking with the sheep of those shepherds, lest some harm come to them. When Musa saw them, he felt sorry for them and took pity on them.
“He said: “What is the matter with you?” meaning, ‘why do you not water your flocks with these people?’
“They both said: “We cannot water until the shepherds take…” meaning, `we cannot water our flocks until they finish.’
“And our father is a very old man,” which means, “this is what has driven us to what you see.”
“So he watered (their flocks) for them, then he turned back to shade, and said: ‘My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!”’
“Towards the shade,” Ibn Abbas, Ibn Mas`ud and As-Suddi said: “He sat beneath a tree.”
Ata’ Bin As-Sa’ib said: “When Musa said: ‘My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!’ the women heard him.”
When the two women came back quickly with the sheep, their father was surprised that they returned so soon. He asked them what had happened, and they told him what Musa had done. So he sent one of them to call him to meet her father. Allah says:
“Then there came to him one of them, walking shyly” – meaning, she was walking like a free woman, as it was narrated from Umar Bin Al-Khattab: “She was covering herself from him with the folds of her garment.”
Umar said: “She came walking shyly, putting her garment over her face. She was not one of those audacious women who come and go as they please.” This chain of narrators is Sahih.
“She said: ‘Verily, my father calls you that he may reward you for having watered (our flocks) for us.’”
This is an example of good manners: She did not invite him directly lest he have some suspicious thoughts about her. Rather she said: “My father is inviting you so that he may reward you for watering our sheep,” i.e., give you some payment for that.
Imam Sa’di says in his Tafsir, “This (description) points to her proper upbringing and her good character, for indeed Haya is from the most honorable of manners, and is a special trait in women. It also shows that Musa did not assist them to receive a payment; but rather, it was because of the honorable and strong nature of his soul and his upright manners.”
“So when he came to him (the father) and narrated the story,” means, he told (the father) about his story and why he had to leave his country.
“He said: ‘Fear you not. You have escaped from the people who are wrongdoers.’”
“And said one of them: ‘O my father! Hire him! Verily, the best of men for you to hire is the strong, the trustworthy.’” One of the two daughters of the man said this, and it was said that she was the one who had walked behind Musa.
Umar, Ibn Abbas, Shurayh Al-Qadi, Abu Malik, Qatadah, Muhammad Bin Ishaq and others narrated that her father asked her, “What do you know about that?” She replied, “He lifted a rock which could only be lifted by 10 men, and when I came back with him, I walked ahead of him, but he said to me, walk behind me, and if I get confused about the route, throw a pebble so that I will know which way to go.”
Lessons for us in Haya
• The two women strove to prevent their sheep from mingling with those of the other shepherds. They were ready to wait, adding to their already difficult task of herding the sheep (a job usually performed by men), so that they would have more privacy and ease whilst watering their sheep. This shows to us modern-day Muslim women that places in which crowds of men are found thronging to get to something should be avoided till there’s a lull, in which we can achieve our objective without fear of being touched/shoved/ pushed by the crowd of men. • The women had the confidence of speaking to a non-Mehram man when he asked them a question about their situation. This shows us that when the need arises, women should possess the self-confidence to speak to a non-Mehram in a business-like, dignified manner.
• Neither of the women endeavored to stick around to chat with Musa after he did them a favor that saved them a lot of trouble and time. Rather, just as he shied away from them, and returned to the tree’s shade without asking for any compensation, they also likewise hurried back home to their father, after the errand for which he had sent them was done. This is a vital point to be noted, especially for the single youth of today. Even in situations when you need to interact with members of the opposite gender to get help with something, you should not hang around chit-chatting or flirting after the favor has been done.
• As the shyness of both the old man’s daughters and Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) (all three of whom were single) shows, Haya entails that we minimize any unnecessary communication with the opposite gender, even in situations when we are thrown together out of necessity and are unsupervised by elders or Mehrams.
• For Muslim women, this incident shows that returning home after outdoor errands have been done is something they should hurry in doing. Loitering around in public places without necessity goes against another Qur’anic command that was sent down by Allah, when addressing the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “And stay quietly in your homes…” (Qur’an, 33:33)
• When Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) was to be summoned, the daughter came walking with shyness. The word “Istihya” implies that her gait and demeanor was one “seeking Haya.” In Arabic grammar, words based on the structure of “Istif’al” imply the action of “seeking” in their meaning. (For e.g. “Istighfar” means seeking forgiveness) . So her manner of approaching Musa was such that she sought Haya. This proves that when the need arises a woman can become an intermediary between men, especially for a noble/good cause, but she should seek the maximum possible Haya when she appears before a man who is not her Mehram.
• This daughter also advised her father after Prophet Musa finished telling his story. Furthermore, her father took her counsel and accepted her testimony. Women should not feel shy in sharing knowledge to their Mehrams, in consultation and decision-making, or when negotiating the terms of a contract. Haya should, by no means, negate self-confidence and elocution.
- Muslim Matters
Friday, June 18, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You call that FOOD?
asalam alaikum
Ever since I got into the habit of reading the ingredient list, life (and eating) hasn't been the same.
Okay, the truth is in certain matters, I am extremely biased. I will not buy from certain brands, certain flavors, or certain ex-beloved items because of XYZ reasons and my husband gets totally exasperated when we go grocery shopping (or rather almost whenever we do).
I cant help it, when you read articles like these, what else will you do?
It is a great thing to have to eat out but somehow, we are doing it less and less recently. It is lovely to get to have a home cooked meal that all members of the family enjoy and savor, but when I see my son polishing away slices of take-away pizza when he whines over a plate of home cooked pasta, I just wonder, is it all worth it or not?
Somethings, we will never figure out. Ghar ke murghi daal barara - kyon?!!
asalam alaikum
Been away again, but this time, it wasn't laziness, it was fever.
My daughter had fever on Friday and Saturday and Sunday. Sunday was my final, and alhamdolillah, it went really well. Back in school, I was so happy and feeling amazing light and all. Picked up my daughter and we had lunch and then she had fever again, pretty high. I went up to the school nurse to get her some fever medication. Nurse looked at her and took her temperature which was 39.8 (ouch) and gave her some orange syrup. Withen 2 minutes, the fever was gone. I was asked to keep her away from school, till she goes without medication and fever for 24 hours, but Monday was the PTA elections :( and her early morning water fun session.
Monday morning, up and away. She didnt have fever so we all went to school, I dropped her in class and told her teacher i will be back in 20 minutes in time for the water fun and came to the PTA room. Nurse called me and said your child is with us and what did the doctor say about her, I told her I will be right over. Off to the nurse I go and found my daughter sobbing a bit - I was told, she needs to go see a doctor right away.
Fast forward to the doctor and on the way, she saw all her grade splashing away in the football field playing with the sprinklers - What fun! *sigh*
Doctor asked about her vaccinations and told us she had viral fever and needs rest. Plus she was getting a rash :( and oh, keep her away from other children. We were thinking how to keep her away from our son and they both have to get on each other's nerves when at home.
Back home and spiking fever struck again. The afternoon was a race to my hubby's office, dropping him home with my daughter and off to school for the PTA elections. They went smooth with the largest attendance we have had in 4 years. I quoted someone in my speech whom I didnt know was a Free Mason (argh!) so that was my YLSTNED (why listen) moment. This YLSTNED might get explained down the road - one of those days.
Home again with my son wondering where is the rest of the family and why they werent there for the meeting. My husband later remarked that the timing was good, what with my classes finished, school year almost over and all. He doesnt know she had her concert on Thursday plus it is portfolio day when the students show their parents the best work they have done all through the year.
We were home, both of us and it was like before when she wasn't going to school - Apart from her fever, which she slept off, we both had a bit of fun sleeping in, playing a fun game with calamine lotion where I pretended to do her makeup with it. I was just reminded of the time when being child I had measles.
Today in school, when I went to pick my son, my daughter's teacher told me that 5 of her class fellows are down with scarlet fever. All these were the ones she hung out with. Alhamdolillah, she doesnt have scarlet fever. Just looked it up on the net and the symptoms and all dont match. Still I will call family and confirm just in case.
This too shall pass. Toodle-doo!
Three make me laugh, and three make me cry
It is reported form Abû Al-Dardâ – Allâh be pleased with him – that he said, “Three make me laugh, and three make me cry.
Those that make me laugh are a person who puts his hopes in this worldly life while death pursues him, a person who is heedless [of his Lord] while [his Lord] is not heedless of him, and a person who always laughs while he does not know whether he has pleased Allâh or angered Him.
What makes me cry is being separated from my beloved: Muhammad and his party (the Companions), the horrors of the time of death, and standing in front of Allâh ‘azza wa jall on the Day when the secrets will be revealed and I do not know will I then go to Paradise or Hell?”
Ibn Al-Mubârak, Al-Zuhd wa Al-Raqâ`iq article 250.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
"Every religion has its special characteristics: the characteristic of Islam is modesty". [The Prophet (saw)]
"Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches. And Haya is a part of faith." [The Prophet (saw)]
"Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches. And Haya is a part of faith." [The Prophet (saw)]
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Just the other day ...
asalam alaikum
Been thinking about a few things, and meant to write about them, but never got around to doing it, and they are now forgotten.
Getting on with it, last week was eventful... Sunday (first day of the week here) was a meeting of the PTA and start of the Book Sales in our room.... lists, lists and more lists... then back home. It was a day I managed to go to the gym, so score 1.
Monday --- late for gym, so one class only, and then home and was late for my daughter's class routine practice for their concert, coming up next week. A quick lunch followed by today's sales. My son wanted a handful of books for himself and I had to tell him to bring it down to three.
Tuesday --- early morning class and revision for final to be held on Thursday. We met our other examiner, who happens to be the best student of the entire center - mazay! My class and I were totally awed by her. Oh, our teacher treated us with a cheese croissant and a fresh fruit pudding filled-pastry. There goes my gym class !! sigh! Later that evening, I was to go to the Graduation Ceremony for the High School Class. Back home, decided to take a short nap before and well, everyone else in my family had the same idea and it was only when my husband woke me 15 minutes before the ceremony that I realized - I AM GOING TO BE SO LATE!!!
The graduation main guests were the K and Q and the security people wanted all guests to be in their seats by 1900 sharp and I was already way late. My husband sped me to the hotel and delivered me to the door at 1905 sharp and when I walked all the way to the other wing of the hotel, I found no security check and no closed doors - Very hospitable indeed, to the relief of my husband. My friends had saved a seat for me and the rest of the ceremony went great. The K and Q could not come and the P was not very happy about it as it was her graduation. The speeches and the whole ceremony just got me thinking of my own graduation that happened almost a decade ago - (nostalgia .....) <=== some things just cannot be expressed in words and well this is one of them. Moving on...
The decor in the ceremonial hall consisted of huge cubes bearing the picture, name of the graduates along with their school's logo with a light inside stacked three high on large pedestals all around the hall. That was a great idea and after the ceremony the graduates were seen hauling their own cubes away as a memento. Brilliant.
Two of my colleague's children also graduated today and it was lovely to see proud parents and equally proud students. I like graduations :) I was thinking back to my own because in my mind, my children's graduation is still far ahead in the future and I just cant think so far ahead in time. Then again, it is easier to imagine yourself younger thinking about the good ol' times, then to think ahead when you will be older in the future... don't you think?
Back home when I was making nachos, my daughter offered to help me remove the plastic off the onion and that gave me a really nice good laugh. [onion skin, she meant]
Wednesday --- Arabic class, end of the year party. Got certificates and beautiful copies of the Quran from the center. We were briefed about the upcoming year and what will be expected of us and then it was time to eat. I saw someone who looked very familiar and I guess it was the graduation that made me ask her, had she been to my alma mater. She said not me but my cousin. I told her my years there but she said, nope my cousin was there before you and gave me her name. Turns out her first cousin (and best friend) is my cousin's cousin. How's that for "small world"!! HAha! I was sure I had met her too at some family get together as somehow I am not that bad with faces but I do struggle with names (I mix my brother's, husband's and son's name :( which makes none of these three happy).
Thursday --- Half day at school . Went to all of 5 out of 6 universities on the campus delivered their copies of the calendars they had sponsored. All were happy with how the calendars have turned out, so a good pat on the back for us. It was an exceptionally HOT day. My son bought his three books and back home, we finished 2. It was a Judy Bloom - Fudge series and I really enjoyed reading them. See my final exam was supposed to be today but my teacher postponed it to Sunday. I wanted it to be done and over with today, so that the next two weeks could be spent packing, magar ye ho na saka.
Weekend, meant time out. We went to this trade fair next and my son got lost twice. Ever since he was a kid, he ALWAYS manages to either stay behind at shops or walk ahead/away to other shops of his interest, while we are out shopping, so much so that we are totally used to it, meaning, used to freaking out over his missing routines, used to splitting up to go look for him (one party ahead - one party to retrace our steps). This time my husband managed to get him both times. My daughter has also started to squeeze in her own escapades, but we normally find her next to other girls her age or hidden inside the clothes hangers displays. It is always convenient to take my kids shopping when they are too tired to walk so they will sit in the shopping cart along with the latest issue of Reader's Digest or that day's newspaper (or a cushion or two to catch nap). Another good time is when both of them are fresh, so they will chase each other up and down the aisles. The worst part is if we visit a decor store or home ware. They HAVE to touch the most fragile things possible, not only touch them but to pick them up, shake them, stir them up or try to get them out of their packaging. Argh!
Needless to say, at the trade fair, my daughter wanted to wear all the rings and my son wanted to try out all the date and cheese samples, not to mention the bikes and assorted toys on display. It is always a surprise that with all the chasing after, playing hide n seek and endless reminders of "Only look, don't touch", we DO manage to shop for things also.
Yesterday we went out with friends to celebrate their new job and today, here I am writing a lengthy pointless blog, because I don't want to study for my final which is tomorrow morning. I will take my daughter out for a hair cut, perhaps go for groceries and if there is time and the temperature is cooler, go for a walk on the Corniche. Wish me luck! :) Ta.
Been thinking about a few things, and meant to write about them, but never got around to doing it, and they are now forgotten.
Getting on with it, last week was eventful... Sunday (first day of the week here) was a meeting of the PTA and start of the Book Sales in our room.... lists, lists and more lists... then back home. It was a day I managed to go to the gym, so score 1.
Monday --- late for gym, so one class only, and then home and was late for my daughter's class routine practice for their concert, coming up next week. A quick lunch followed by today's sales. My son wanted a handful of books for himself and I had to tell him to bring it down to three.
Tuesday --- early morning class and revision for final to be held on Thursday. We met our other examiner, who happens to be the best student of the entire center - mazay! My class and I were totally awed by her. Oh, our teacher treated us with a cheese croissant and a fresh fruit pudding filled-pastry. There goes my gym class !! sigh! Later that evening, I was to go to the Graduation Ceremony for the High School Class. Back home, decided to take a short nap before and well, everyone else in my family had the same idea and it was only when my husband woke me 15 minutes before the ceremony that I realized - I AM GOING TO BE SO LATE!!!
The graduation main guests were the K and Q and the security people wanted all guests to be in their seats by 1900 sharp and I was already way late. My husband sped me to the hotel and delivered me to the door at 1905 sharp and when I walked all the way to the other wing of the hotel, I found no security check and no closed doors - Very hospitable indeed, to the relief of my husband. My friends had saved a seat for me and the rest of the ceremony went great. The K and Q could not come and the P was not very happy about it as it was her graduation. The speeches and the whole ceremony just got me thinking of my own graduation that happened almost a decade ago - (nostalgia .....) <=== some things just cannot be expressed in words and well this is one of them. Moving on...
The decor in the ceremonial hall consisted of huge cubes bearing the picture, name of the graduates along with their school's logo with a light inside stacked three high on large pedestals all around the hall. That was a great idea and after the ceremony the graduates were seen hauling their own cubes away as a memento. Brilliant.
Two of my colleague's children also graduated today and it was lovely to see proud parents and equally proud students. I like graduations :) I was thinking back to my own because in my mind, my children's graduation is still far ahead in the future and I just cant think so far ahead in time. Then again, it is easier to imagine yourself younger thinking about the good ol' times, then to think ahead when you will be older in the future... don't you think?
Back home when I was making nachos, my daughter offered to help me remove the plastic off the onion and that gave me a really nice good laugh. [onion skin, she meant]
Wednesday --- Arabic class, end of the year party. Got certificates and beautiful copies of the Quran from the center. We were briefed about the upcoming year and what will be expected of us and then it was time to eat. I saw someone who looked very familiar and I guess it was the graduation that made me ask her, had she been to my alma mater. She said not me but my cousin. I told her my years there but she said, nope my cousin was there before you and gave me her name. Turns out her first cousin (and best friend) is my cousin's cousin. How's that for "small world"!! HAha! I was sure I had met her too at some family get together as somehow I am not that bad with faces but I do struggle with names (I mix my brother's, husband's and son's name :( which makes none of these three happy).
Thursday --- Half day at school . Went to all of 5 out of 6 universities on the campus delivered their copies of the calendars they had sponsored. All were happy with how the calendars have turned out, so a good pat on the back for us. It was an exceptionally HOT day. My son bought his three books and back home, we finished 2. It was a Judy Bloom - Fudge series and I really enjoyed reading them. See my final exam was supposed to be today but my teacher postponed it to Sunday. I wanted it to be done and over with today, so that the next two weeks could be spent packing, magar ye ho na saka.
Weekend, meant time out. We went to this trade fair next and my son got lost twice. Ever since he was a kid, he ALWAYS manages to either stay behind at shops or walk ahead/away to other shops of his interest, while we are out shopping, so much so that we are totally used to it, meaning, used to freaking out over his missing routines, used to splitting up to go look for him (one party ahead - one party to retrace our steps). This time my husband managed to get him both times. My daughter has also started to squeeze in her own escapades, but we normally find her next to other girls her age or hidden inside the clothes hangers displays. It is always convenient to take my kids shopping when they are too tired to walk so they will sit in the shopping cart along with the latest issue of Reader's Digest or that day's newspaper (or a cushion or two to catch nap). Another good time is when both of them are fresh, so they will chase each other up and down the aisles. The worst part is if we visit a decor store or home ware. They HAVE to touch the most fragile things possible, not only touch them but to pick them up, shake them, stir them up or try to get them out of their packaging. Argh!
Needless to say, at the trade fair, my daughter wanted to wear all the rings and my son wanted to try out all the date and cheese samples, not to mention the bikes and assorted toys on display. It is always a surprise that with all the chasing after, playing hide n seek and endless reminders of "Only look, don't touch", we DO manage to shop for things also.
Yesterday we went out with friends to celebrate their new job and today, here I am writing a lengthy pointless blog, because I don't want to study for my final which is tomorrow morning. I will take my daughter out for a hair cut, perhaps go for groceries and if there is time and the temperature is cooler, go for a walk on the Corniche. Wish me luck! :) Ta.
A student was walking one day with his Sheikh(spiritual guide). As they went along they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which belonged to an old man who was working in a field nearby. His work for that day was nearly done.
The student turned to the Sheikh saying: "Let us play a trick on the man: we will hide his shoes and conceal ourselves behind those bushes and wait to see his response when he cannot find them".
"My young friend" answered the Sheikh, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. You are rich and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by the means of this poor man. Put a coin in each shoe and then we will hide and watch how this affects him".
So it was and they hid behind some bushes. The poor man finished his work and came to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting his coat on he slipped his foot into one of his shoes. Feeling something hard he stooped down to feel what it was and he found a coin.
Astonishment and wonder were upon his face. He gazed at the coin, turned it around and around looking at it again and again. He then looked all around but could see no one. He put the money in his pocket and proceeded to put the other shoe on; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.
His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving to Allah Almighty in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless and his children without bread whom this timely bounty from some unknown hand would save from perishing.
The student stood there deeply affected and tears filled his eyes. "Now" said the Sheikh – are you not much better pleased than if you had played your trick?"
The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
And whatever you spend for spendings (e.g., in Sadaqah – charity, etc. for Allâh's Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all. And for the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, etc.) there are no helpers. (Al-Baqarah 2:270)
Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury. And Allâh is Rich (Free of all wants) and He is Most-Forbearing. (Al-Baqarah 2:263)
The student turned to the Sheikh saying: "Let us play a trick on the man: we will hide his shoes and conceal ourselves behind those bushes and wait to see his response when he cannot find them".
"My young friend" answered the Sheikh, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. You are rich and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by the means of this poor man. Put a coin in each shoe and then we will hide and watch how this affects him".
So it was and they hid behind some bushes. The poor man finished his work and came to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting his coat on he slipped his foot into one of his shoes. Feeling something hard he stooped down to feel what it was and he found a coin.
Astonishment and wonder were upon his face. He gazed at the coin, turned it around and around looking at it again and again. He then looked all around but could see no one. He put the money in his pocket and proceeded to put the other shoe on; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.
His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving to Allah Almighty in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless and his children without bread whom this timely bounty from some unknown hand would save from perishing.
The student stood there deeply affected and tears filled his eyes. "Now" said the Sheikh – are you not much better pleased than if you had played your trick?"
The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
And whatever you spend for spendings (e.g., in Sadaqah – charity, etc. for Allâh's Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all. And for the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, etc.) there are no helpers. (Al-Baqarah 2:270)
Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury. And Allâh is Rich (Free of all wants) and He is Most-Forbearing. (Al-Baqarah 2:263)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Remember Allah is watching us
Several years ago an Imaam moved to London . He often took the bus from his home to the local shopping centre.
One day after boarding the bus he sat down and discovered that the driver had accidentally given him twenty pence too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, you better give the twenty pence back. It would be wrong to keep it. Then he thought, oh forget it, it's only twenty pence. Who would worry about this little amount?
Anyway, the bus company already gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a gift from Almighty Allah and keep quiet.
When his stop came, the Imaam paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the twenty pence back to the driver and said "Here, you gave me too much change".
The driver with a smile replied "Aren't you the new Imaam in this area? I have been thinking lately about going to worship at your masjid. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change."
When the Imaam stepped off the bus, his knees became weak and soft. He had to grab the nearest light pole and held for support, and looked up to the heavens and cried "Oh Allah, I almost sold Islam for twenty pence!"
Remember, we may never see the impact our actions have on people.
Sometimes we are the only knowledge of Quran that someone will read, or the only Islam a non-Muslim will see. What we need to provide, Insha Allah, is an example for others to see.
One day after boarding the bus he sat down and discovered that the driver had accidentally given him twenty pence too much change. As he considered what to do, he thought to himself, you better give the twenty pence back. It would be wrong to keep it. Then he thought, oh forget it, it's only twenty pence. Who would worry about this little amount?
Anyway, the bus company already gets too much fare; they will never miss it. Accept it as a gift from Almighty Allah and keep quiet.
When his stop came, the Imaam paused momentarily at the door, and then he handed the twenty pence back to the driver and said "Here, you gave me too much change".
The driver with a smile replied "Aren't you the new Imaam in this area? I have been thinking lately about going to worship at your masjid. I just wanted to see what you would do if I gave you too much change."
When the Imaam stepped off the bus, his knees became weak and soft. He had to grab the nearest light pole and held for support, and looked up to the heavens and cried "Oh Allah, I almost sold Islam for twenty pence!"
Remember, we may never see the impact our actions have on people.
Sometimes we are the only knowledge of Quran that someone will read, or the only Islam a non-Muslim will see. What we need to provide, Insha Allah, is an example for others to see.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Saturday, June 05, 2010
How to counter this current state of affairs facing the Muslim Ummah?
asalamualaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
Long absence ... from a lot of things... mainly internet, and computer. So much has been happening in the news that it was overwhelming enough to stay away for a while.
Another final due next week (mine) and then it will be preps, preps, preps for the vacations.
Anyways, regarding the current events, our teacher shared a few points from a series of lectures that she attended. I would like to share these with you also.
Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) is the last of all prophets and the seal of prophet-hood. As a Muslim, we believe that Allah sent a number of prophets over the ages from Prophet Adam (elayhay salam) up to Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), a number that is approximately 125,000. We respect all these prophets equally, be it Adam, Abraham, Ismael, Issac, Moses, Jesus (elay salam). Islam does not allow anyone to make pictures, sketches or statues or whatever of any of the prophets or companions of the prophets or any religious figures because Shaitan(satan) used this method to promote idol-ism and the like over the ages.
Ever since the becoming a prophet, Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) has been ridiculed, mocked, attacked, poisoned and hurt in words, deeds and actions. Despite all this, he did not give in or give up. In this alone, is an example for us to carry on.
In the recent years, from time to time, someone or the other stands up and makes a figure or cartoon or whatever suits their fancy like writing a book or making a movie, and either publishes, promotes or spreads it around. Understandably, Muslims, even of the weakest of faith are disturbed by it.
This year, it happened again, on one of the famous website frequented by 47% Muslims on a daily basis. Despite protest, when it wasn't removed, various Ulema (scholars) of Islam advised the Muslims to stop using that website, which they did. Some however were confused and were of the opinion that giving up the website is not the right way to go, as then who would stay behind and explain the real situation to those who were doing all this.
The scholars whom I heard or read about, ALL advised to leave that website and to stop using it (which I did) but then there was something that was bothering me about not having done anything, and this is where what my teacher said that helped.
Ask any Muslim and s/he will say that they love our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam). Loving our Propher (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) is a very important part of faith, as according to the Quran and hadith:
We all SAY that oh yes, we love our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) but do we even know him enough? Do we know his full name? Do we know the names of his family members? his Children? his grandchildren? Do we know his favorite food, drink, perfume, dress, color, animal, friends, season, and so one? Our prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) used to name everything, his goat, his camels, his swords, everything, so do we know those names? More than 80% (or more) of us will not know.
If you study the history of Islam, you will see a pattern in the Rise and Fall of Islam over the years, and looking at this pattern, the scholars have declared that we are currently among the lowest of the lows in Islam.
( I was!)
One example from history was that of the Commander Salahuddin Ayuobi. He was one of the commanders of Islam at the time of crusades and he conquered Jerusalem and got back the control of Masjid Al Aqsa. His generation did not just happen to be among the best of Muslims, it was raised to be so by the will of Allah and the wisdom of his grandfather, Shadhi ibn Marwan, who was aware of the fact that the generation of his time was among the lowest of lows, and in order for them to achieve glory, they needed to raise a generation that will raise the generation that will lead Islam to glory and victory.
Can you find me a handful of 16 year olds who will be able to lead an army, the likes of Usamah bin Zaid or even Mohammad bin Qasim? You will be able to find bunch upon bunch of teenagers who will be able to plan a party at the drop of a hat. We have no one to blame but ourselves for where we stand right now or where we are headed. Allah does not give Hidayah to those who do not want it, so first of all, we need to amend our ways and seek guidance from Allah wholeheartedly.
Now if you are the lowest of lows, first accept it. Face it. Now strive to better yourself.
A few point to do this are as follows:
1) Learn about your deen (way of life) which is Islam.
2) Get guidance of Allah through the book of Allah (Quran). The sahaba karam (companions) (raziAllah anhum ajmaeen) of our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) were so attached to Quran that they used to say, if I loose my camel, I will look in the Quran to know where to find it.
Recite it, memorize it, read the tafseer, and if possible try to learn Arabic, so as to get the maximum benefit to know the words of Allah in the language that Allah chose. A lot is lost in translation, so do not rely solely on translation, unless of course, you are still in the process of learning.
3) Make your foundation firm and strong. Islam is based on five pillars - Shahada, Salah, Saum, Zakah, and Hajj. Some of us are struggling with these five only, while some of us are content with these five only. The point to remember here is that all these are only pillars. Any building needs a foundation, but no one in their right mind, will make a foundation and then sit back and start living in it. The house needs to be constructed on it, and once constructed it needs proper maintenance and care, if it is expected to survive the tests of time.
Again, looking back at the example of the Sahaba Karam (raziAllah anhum ajmaeen), even if the strap of their shoe broke, they used to pray two rakah salah and ask Allah for it, before venturing out to get it fixed BECAUSE again, it is our faith that everything happens by the Will of Allah and we need to seek protection and guidance of Allah at all times.
4) For the third generation from now to be inshaAllah as the likes of the Tabaeen (the generation that came after the Sahaba karam ajmaeen), we need to work for it today.
Focus on your siblings, your spouses and your children, especially your daughters. Our daughters will be the mothers of the generation that is expected to bring about the glory, so they need to be strong in faith, deen and ilm.
* If you are unmarried, teach whatever you know to your parents and your siblings and those in your care.
* If you are married, teach your spouse and help each other learn and follow Islam. Read the Seerat-un-Nabi (the Life of our Prophet salAllahu elayhay wasalam) and also the life of the Ummahat-ul-Momineen.
* If you have children, read to them the stories of the Sahaba karam ajmaeen. There is so much to learn from the Commanders of Islam, and our children will benefit from them inshaAllah. Teach them Quran, Islam, and for recreation, horse-riding and swimming to keep them physically fit.
Continue on with the boycott of all those who continue to make fun, mock Islam and whatever. Some of us have the opinion that these people are ignorant and they do these hurtful things because they dont know about our religion or our Prophet salAllahu elayhay wasalam. To these, please hear this also.
if you think that IF THEY HAD KNOWN HIM, THEY WOULD HAVE LOVED HIM, see what the Quran says in Surah Al-Baqarah (the Cow):
145. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong.
146. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.
147. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt.
At the time of the birth of our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), the people of the book KNEW that the last prophet had come. Their books provided ample descriptions of the last prophet, and many among them, who knew, converted to Islam.
If you read the seerah of our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), you will find out that while there were those like Hazrat Salman Farsi razi Allahu anhu, who waited for more than a century for the last prophet and then converted to Islam, and like Abdullah ibn Salam the former jewish rabbi, in the times of our
Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), to name just a few. There were also those who knew, YET CHOSE NOT TO ACCEPT, because of their arrogance and reliance on their own race.
The father and uncle of Hazrat Safiyah raziAllah anha, one of the Ummhat-ul-Momineen, were non-Muslims. Saffiyah says, "I was my father's and my uncle's favorite child. When the Messenger of Allah came to Madinah and stayed at Quba, my parents went to him at night and when they looked disconcerted and worn out. I received them cheerfully but to my surprise no one of them turned to me. They were so grieved that they did not feel my presence. I heard my uncle, Abu Yasir, saying to my father, 'Is it really him?' He said, 'Yes, by Allah'. My uncle said: 'Can you recognize him and confirm this?' He said, 'Yes'. My uncle said, 'How do you feel towards him?' He said, 'By Allah I shall be his enemy as long as I live.'" [ Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 257-258]
It is the same sort of people who continue doing all sorts of hurtful things, time and time again, just to anger, hurt or dissuade Muslims from doing what they have being sent for.
So please, if you want to educate all such people, you NEED to know our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) first and foremost and to LOVE him with all your heart, more than your parents, your family, your tribe, your race, your country, your case, your creed, your ethnicity and anything and everything else that you love more than him.
May Allah guide us all towards the right path and give us Kaamil Emaan and help us remain steadfast of it. Ameen.
Long absence ... from a lot of things... mainly internet, and computer. So much has been happening in the news that it was overwhelming enough to stay away for a while.
Another final due next week (mine) and then it will be preps, preps, preps for the vacations.
Anyways, regarding the current events, our teacher shared a few points from a series of lectures that she attended. I would like to share these with you also.
Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) is the last of all prophets and the seal of prophet-hood. As a Muslim, we believe that Allah sent a number of prophets over the ages from Prophet Adam (elayhay salam) up to Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), a number that is approximately 125,000. We respect all these prophets equally, be it Adam, Abraham, Ismael, Issac, Moses, Jesus (elay salam). Islam does not allow anyone to make pictures, sketches or statues or whatever of any of the prophets or companions of the prophets or any religious figures because Shaitan(satan) used this method to promote idol-ism and the like over the ages.
Ever since the becoming a prophet, Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) has been ridiculed, mocked, attacked, poisoned and hurt in words, deeds and actions. Despite all this, he did not give in or give up. In this alone, is an example for us to carry on.
In the recent years, from time to time, someone or the other stands up and makes a figure or cartoon or whatever suits their fancy like writing a book or making a movie, and either publishes, promotes or spreads it around. Understandably, Muslims, even of the weakest of faith are disturbed by it.
This year, it happened again, on one of the famous website frequented by 47% Muslims on a daily basis. Despite protest, when it wasn't removed, various Ulema (scholars) of Islam advised the Muslims to stop using that website, which they did. Some however were confused and were of the opinion that giving up the website is not the right way to go, as then who would stay behind and explain the real situation to those who were doing all this.
The scholars whom I heard or read about, ALL advised to leave that website and to stop using it (which I did) but then there was something that was bothering me about not having done anything, and this is where what my teacher said that helped.
Ask any Muslim and s/he will say that they love our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam). Loving our Propher (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) is a very important part of faith, as according to the Quran and hadith:
Say, "If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your wives, and your tribe, and your acquired wealth, and the trade in which you fear a loss, and the houses of your liking - if all these are dearer to you than Allah and His Noble Messenger and fighting in His way, then wait until Allah brings about His command; and Allah does not guide the sinful."
Bukhari(Book #78, Hadith #628)
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Hisham: We were with the Prophet and he was holding the hand of 'Umar bin Al-khattab. 'Umar said to Him, "O Allah's Apostle! You are dearer to me than everything except my own self."
The Prophet said, "No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, (you will not have complete faith) till I am dearer to you than your own self."
Then 'Umar said to him, "However, now, by Allah, you are dearer to me than my own self." The Prophet said, "Now, O 'Umar, (now you are a believer)."
We all SAY that oh yes, we love our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) but do we even know him enough? Do we know his full name? Do we know the names of his family members? his Children? his grandchildren? Do we know his favorite food, drink, perfume, dress, color, animal, friends, season, and so one? Our prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) used to name everything, his goat, his camels, his swords, everything, so do we know those names? More than 80% (or more) of us will not know.
If you study the history of Islam, you will see a pattern in the Rise and Fall of Islam over the years, and looking at this pattern, the scholars have declared that we are currently among the lowest of the lows in Islam.
( I was!)
One example from history was that of the Commander Salahuddin Ayuobi. He was one of the commanders of Islam at the time of crusades and he conquered Jerusalem and got back the control of Masjid Al Aqsa. His generation did not just happen to be among the best of Muslims, it was raised to be so by the will of Allah and the wisdom of his grandfather, Shadhi ibn Marwan, who was aware of the fact that the generation of his time was among the lowest of lows, and in order for them to achieve glory, they needed to raise a generation that will raise the generation that will lead Islam to glory and victory.
Can you find me a handful of 16 year olds who will be able to lead an army, the likes of Usamah bin Zaid or even Mohammad bin Qasim? You will be able to find bunch upon bunch of teenagers who will be able to plan a party at the drop of a hat. We have no one to blame but ourselves for where we stand right now or where we are headed. Allah does not give Hidayah to those who do not want it, so first of all, we need to amend our ways and seek guidance from Allah wholeheartedly.
Now if you are the lowest of lows, first accept it. Face it. Now strive to better yourself.
A few point to do this are as follows:
1) Learn about your deen (way of life) which is Islam.
2) Get guidance of Allah through the book of Allah (Quran). The sahaba karam (companions) (raziAllah anhum ajmaeen) of our Prophet (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) were so attached to Quran that they used to say, if I loose my camel, I will look in the Quran to know where to find it.
Recite it, memorize it, read the tafseer, and if possible try to learn Arabic, so as to get the maximum benefit to know the words of Allah in the language that Allah chose. A lot is lost in translation, so do not rely solely on translation, unless of course, you are still in the process of learning.
3) Make your foundation firm and strong. Islam is based on five pillars - Shahada, Salah, Saum, Zakah, and Hajj. Some of us are struggling with these five only, while some of us are content with these five only. The point to remember here is that all these are only pillars. Any building needs a foundation, but no one in their right mind, will make a foundation and then sit back and start living in it. The house needs to be constructed on it, and once constructed it needs proper maintenance and care, if it is expected to survive the tests of time.
Again, looking back at the example of the Sahaba Karam (raziAllah anhum ajmaeen), even if the strap of their shoe broke, they used to pray two rakah salah and ask Allah for it, before venturing out to get it fixed BECAUSE again, it is our faith that everything happens by the Will of Allah and we need to seek protection and guidance of Allah at all times.
4) For the third generation from now to be inshaAllah as the likes of the Tabaeen (the generation that came after the Sahaba karam ajmaeen), we need to work for it today.
Focus on your siblings, your spouses and your children, especially your daughters. Our daughters will be the mothers of the generation that is expected to bring about the glory, so they need to be strong in faith, deen and ilm.
* If you are unmarried, teach whatever you know to your parents and your siblings and those in your care.
* If you are married, teach your spouse and help each other learn and follow Islam. Read the Seerat-un-Nabi (the Life of our Prophet salAllahu elayhay wasalam) and also the life of the Ummahat-ul-Momineen.
* If you have children, read to them the stories of the Sahaba karam ajmaeen. There is so much to learn from the Commanders of Islam, and our children will benefit from them inshaAllah. Teach them Quran, Islam, and for recreation, horse-riding and swimming to keep them physically fit.
Continue on with the boycott of all those who continue to make fun, mock Islam and whatever. Some of us have the opinion that these people are ignorant and they do these hurtful things because they dont know about our religion or our Prophet salAllahu elayhay wasalam. To these, please hear this also.
if you think that IF THEY HAD KNOWN HIM, THEY WOULD HAVE LOVED HIM, see what the Quran says in Surah Al-Baqarah (the Cow):
145. Even if thou wert to bring to the people of the Book all the Signs (together), they would not follow Thy Qibla; nor art thou going to follow their Qibla; nor indeed will they follow each other's Qibla. If thou after the knowledge hath reached thee, Wert to follow their (vain) desires,-then wert thou Indeed (clearly) in the wrong.
146. The people of the Book know this as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know.
147. The Truth is from thy Lord; so be not at all in doubt.
At the time of the birth of our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), the people of the book KNEW that the last prophet had come. Their books provided ample descriptions of the last prophet, and many among them, who knew, converted to Islam.
If you read the seerah of our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), you will find out that while there were those like Hazrat Salman Farsi razi Allahu anhu, who waited for more than a century for the last prophet and then converted to Islam, and like Abdullah ibn Salam the former jewish rabbi, in the times of our
Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam), to name just a few. There were also those who knew, YET CHOSE NOT TO ACCEPT, because of their arrogance and reliance on their own race.
The father and uncle of Hazrat Safiyah raziAllah anha, one of the Ummhat-ul-Momineen, were non-Muslims. Saffiyah says, "I was my father's and my uncle's favorite child. When the Messenger of Allah came to Madinah and stayed at Quba, my parents went to him at night and when they looked disconcerted and worn out. I received them cheerfully but to my surprise no one of them turned to me. They were so grieved that they did not feel my presence. I heard my uncle, Abu Yasir, saying to my father, 'Is it really him?' He said, 'Yes, by Allah'. My uncle said: 'Can you recognize him and confirm this?' He said, 'Yes'. My uncle said, 'How do you feel towards him?' He said, 'By Allah I shall be his enemy as long as I live.'" [ Ibn Hisham, As-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah, vol. 2, pp. 257-258]
It is the same sort of people who continue doing all sorts of hurtful things, time and time again, just to anger, hurt or dissuade Muslims from doing what they have being sent for.
So please, if you want to educate all such people, you NEED to know our Prophet Mohammad (salAllahu elayhay wasalam) first and foremost and to LOVE him with all your heart, more than your parents, your family, your tribe, your race, your country, your case, your creed, your ethnicity and anything and everything else that you love more than him.
May Allah guide us all towards the right path and give us Kaamil Emaan and help us remain steadfast of it. Ameen.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
10 things that have no benefit
1. Knowledge that is not acted on.
2. The deed that has neither sincerity nor is based on following the righteous examples of others.
3. Money that is hoarded, as the owner neither enjoys it during this life nor obtains any reward for it in the Hereafter.
4. The heart that is empty of love and longing for Allah, and of seeking closeness to Him.
5. A body that does not obey and serve Allah.
6. Loving Allah without following His orders or seeking His pleasure.
7. Time that is not spent in expiating sins or seizing opportunities to do good.
8. A mind that thinks about useless matters.
9. Serving those who do not bring you close to Allah, nor benefit you in your life.
10. Hoping and fearing whoever is under the authority of Allah and in His hand; while he cannot bring any benefit or harm to himself, nor death, nor life; nor can he resurrect himself.
However the greater of these matters are wasting the heart and wasting time. Wasting the heart is done by preferring this worldly life over the Hereafter, and wasting time is done by having incessant hope. Destruction occurs by following one’s desires and having incessant hope, while all goodness is found in following the right path and preparing oneself to meet Allah.
How strange it is that when a servant of Allah has a (worldly) problem, he seeks help of Allah, but he never asks Allah to cure his heart before it dies of ignorance, neglect, fulfilling one’s desires and being involved in innovations. Indeed, when the heart dies, he will never feel the significance or impact of his sins.
-By Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
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