Saturday, October 30, 2010

Should Muslims celebrate Halloween???

Halloween :: Should Muslims celebrate?

Every year, on the evening of October 31st, millions of children across North America paint their faces, dress up in costumes, and go door to door collecting treats. The adults often decorate their houses with ghostly figures, carve scary faces on pumpkins, and put candles in them to create “Jack-O-Lanterns.”
Unfortunately, among the millions of North Americans indulging in this custom, many are also Muslims.
This article will shed some light on the significance and origins of Hallow’een, and why Muslims should not participate in it.

Origins of the Hallow’een Festival

The ancient Celtic (Irish/Scottish/Welsh) festival called Samhain is considered by most historians and scholars to be the predecessor of what is now Hallow’een. Samhain was the New Year’s day of the pagan Celts. It was also the Day of the Dead, a time when it was believed that the souls of those who had died during the year were allowed access into the “land of the dead”.
Many traditional beliefs and customs associated with Samhain continue to be practiced today on the 31st of October. Most notable of these customs are the practice of leaving offerings of food and drink (now candy) to masked and costumed revelers, and the lighting of bonfires. Elements of this festival were incorporated into the Christian festival of All Hallow’s Eve, or Hallow-Even, the night preceding All Saint’s (Hallows’) Day. It is the glossing of the name Hallow- Even that has given us the name of Hallow’een.
Until recent times in some parts of Europe, it was believed that on this night the dead walked amongst them, and that witches and warlocks flew in their midst. In preparation for this, bonfires were built to ward off these malevolent spirits.
By the 19th century, witches’ pranks were replaced by children’s tricks. The spirits of  Samhain, once believed to be wild and powerful, were now recognized as being evil.

Halloween Customs and Traditions

  • “Trick or Treating”: It is widely believed that during the Feast of All Saints, peasants went from house to house asking for money to buy food for the upcoming feast. Additionally, people dressed in costumes would often play tricks on their neighbors. Blame for the resulting chaos was placed on the “spirits and goblins.”
  • Images of bats, black cats, etc.: These animals were believed to communicate with the spirits of the dead. Black cats especially were believed to house the souls of witches.
  • Games such as bobbing for apples: The ancient pagans used divination techniques to foresee the future. There were various methods of doing this, and many have continued through traditional games, often played at children’s parties.
  • Jack-O’-Lantern: The Irish brought the Jack-O’-Lantern to America. The tradition is based on a legend about a stingy, drunken man named Jack. Jack played a trick on the devil, then made the devil promise not to take his soul. The devil, upset, promised to leave Jack alone. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven because he was a stingy, mean drunk. Desperate for a resting place, he went to the devil but the devil also turned him away. Stuck on earth on a dark night, Jack was lost. The devil tossed him a lighted coal from the fire of Hell, which Jack placed inside a turnip as a lamp to light his way. Since that day, he has traveled the world over with his Jack-O’-Lantern in search of a resting place. Irish children carved out turnips and potatoes to light the night on Halloween. When the Irish came to America in great numbers in the 1840′s, they found that a pumpkin made an even better lantern, and this “American tradition” came to be.
Devout Christians began rejecting this festival. They had discovered that the so-called gods, goddesses, and other spiritual beings of the pagan religions, were diabolical deceptions. The spiritual forces that people experienced during this festival were indeed real, but they were manifestations of the devil who misled people toward the worship of false idols.
Thus, they rejected the customs associated with Hallow’een, including all representations of ghosts, vampires, and human skeletons – symbols of the dead – and of the devil and other malevolent and evil creatures. It must also be noted that, to this day, many Satan-worshippers consider the evening of October 31st to be their most sacred.And many devout Christians today continue to distance themselves from this pagan festival.

The Islamic Perspective

Iman (faith) is the foundation of Islamic society, and tauheed (the belief in the existence and Oneness of Allah) is the essence of this faith and the very core of Islam. The safeguarding of this iman, and of this pure tauheed, is the primary objective of all Islamic teachings and legislation. In order to keep the Muslim society purified of all traces of shirk (associating partners with Allah) and remnants of error, a continuous war must be waged against all customs and practises which originate from societies’ ignorance of divine guidance, and in the errors of idol worship.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) issued a stern warning:
“Whoever imitates a nation is one of them!” (Abu Da’oud).
Muslims should heed this warning and refrain from copying or imitating the kufar in their celebrations. Islam has strongly forbidden Muslims to follow the religious or social customs of the non-Muslims, and especially of the idol-worshippers or those who worship the devil.
The Prophet (s.a.s.) said: “By Him in Whose hands is my life, you are ordered to enjoin good and forbid evil, or else Allah will certainly afflict you with torments. Thereafter, even your du’a (supplications) will not be accepted.” (Tirmidhi).
From an Islamic standpoint,
Hallow’een is one of the worst celebrations because of its origins and history. It is HARAM (forbidden), even if there may be some seemingly good or harmless elements in those practises, as evidenced by a statement from the Prophet (s.a.s.)
“Every innovation (in our religion) is misguidance, even if the people regard it as something good” (ad-Daarimee.).
Although it may be argued that the celebration of Hallow’een today has nothing to do with devil-worship, it is still forbidden for Muslims to participate in it.
If Muslims begin to take part in such customs, it is a sure sign of weak iman and that we have either forgotten, or outrightly rejected the mission of our Prophet (s.a.s.) who came to cleanse us from jahiliyyah customs, superstitions and false practises.
Muslims are enjoined to neither imitate the behavior and customs of the non-Muslims, nor to commit their indecencies. Behavior-imitation will affect the attitude of a Muslim and may create a feeling of sympathy towards the indecent modes of life.
Islam seeks to cleanse the Muslim of all immoral conducts and habits, and thus paving the way for the Qur’an and Sunnah to be the correct and pure source for original Islamic thought and behaviour. A Muslim should be a model for others in faith and practice, behaviour and moral character, and not a blind imitator dependant on other nations and cultures.
Even if one decides to go along with the outward practises of Hallow’een without acknowledging the deeper significance or historical background of this custom, he or she is still guilty of indulging in this pagan festival.
Undoubtedly, even after hearing the Truth, some Muslims will still participate in Hallow’een, send their kids “trick-or-treating,” and they will try to justify it by saying they are doing it because their friends are doing it, their parents did it (“it’s a tradition!”), because “it’s fun!” and merely to make their children happy.
But what is the duty of Muslim parents?
Is it to follow the wishes of their children without question, or to mould them within the correct Islamic framework as outlined in the Qur’an and Sunnah?
How can we worship only Allah, the Creator, if we participate in activities that are based in pagan rituals, divination, and the spirit world?
Is it not the responsibility of Muslim parents to impart correct Islamic training and instruction to their children?
How can this duty be performed if, instead of instructing the children in Islam, parents allow and encourage their children to be taught the way of the unbelievers?
Allah exposes these types of people in the Qur’an:
“We have sent them the Truth, but they indeed practise falsehood” (23:10).
Muslim parents must teach their children to refrain from practising falsehood, and not to imitate the non-Muslims in their customs and festivals.
If the children are taught to be proud of their Islamic heritage, they themselves will, insha Allah, abstain from Hallow’een and other non-Muslim celebrations, such as birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, Valentines Day, etc.
The Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s.) said:
The Final Hour will not come until my followers copy the deeds of the previous nations and follow them very closely, span by span, and cubit by cubit (inch by inch). (Bukhari).
Islam is a pure religion with no need to accomodate any custom, practise or celebration that is not a part of it. Islam does not distinguish between “secular and sacred;” the shari’ah must rule every aspect of our lives.
“You must keep to my Sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly-guided Caliphs; cling to it firmly. Beware of newly invented matters, for every new matter is an innovation, and every innovation is misleading.” (Bukhari)
“When the people see a person committing a wrong, but do not seize his hand to restrain him or her from the deed, it is likely that Allah will punish them both.” (Abu Da’oud, Nasa’i, Tirmidhi)
“Whoever imitates a nation is one of them.” (Abu Da’oud)

What to do on Halloween.

We have established, beyond doubt, that the celebration of Hallow’een is absolutely forbidden in Islam. It is HARAM.
The question arises as to what to do on this night ?
Muslim parents must not send their kids out “trick-or-treating” on Hallow’een night. Our children must be told why we do not celebrate Hallow’een.
Most children are very receptive when taught with sincerity, and especially when shown in practice the joy of their own Islamic celebrations and traditions. In this regard, teach them about the two Islamic festivals of Eid.
(Eid-ul-Fitr is fast approaching, and this is the perfect time to start preparing them for it.) It must also be mentioned that, even Muslims who stay home and give out treats to those who come to their door are still participating in this festival.
In order to avoid this, leave the front lights off and do not open the door. Educate your neighbours about our Islamic teachings. Inform them in advance that Muslims do not participate in Hallow’een, and explain the reasons why. (Give them a copy of this flyer if needed.) They will respect your wishes, and you will gain respect in the process.
“A person who calls another to guidance will be rewarded, as will the one who accepts the message.” (Tirmidhi)
Finally, we must remember that we are fully accountable to Allah for all of our actions and deeds. If, after knowing the Truth, we do not cease our un-Islamic practises, we risk the wrath of Allah as He himself warned us in the Qur’an:
“Then let them beware who refuse the Messenger’s order lest some trial befall them, or a grevious punishment be afflicted upon them!” (24:63).

This is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly. And Allah knows best.

May Allah guide us, help us to stay on the right path, and save us from all deviations and innovations that will lead us into the fires of Hell.
Base written by :  Br. Feyoun Khan
Edited by : King-
slave of Allah

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is this life ... but mere play!

Below is a message from my friend. This ayah is one of my favorites in the Quran.
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim

assalam o alaekum,

What a great reminder about life of this world! And what a beautiful similitude!

057.020 Know ye (all), that the life of this world is but play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying, (in rivalry) among yourselves, riches and children. Here is a similitude: How rain and the growth which it brings forth, delight (the hearts of) the tillers; soon it withers; thou wilt see it grow yellow; then it becomes dry and crumbles away. But in the Hereafter is a Penalty severe (for the devotees of wrong). And Forgiveness from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure (for the devotees of Allah). And what is the life of this world, but goods and chattels of deception?
- Al-Qur'an, 057.020 (Al-Hadid [The Iron])

Oh Allah save us from running after pomp and mutual boasting and multiplying in rivalry in ourselves, our riches and our children. amen.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

How goes ? Neeyah

asalam alaikum wa rehmatullah wa barakatuhu,
        I finally sit in front of the computer in the morning, hoping to write a blog. As I get the topic and words in my mind, I decide to open the newspaper and read it. For more than a month now, some news or the other comes into view that makes me feel that probably bad people are winning once again. So I just drop the idea of writing the blog, as I am sure to mention that someone or the other (from that news). This is something I dont want to do.
        It is said that ignorance is bliss. I still havent come to terms with how so and why it is this way! Sometimes see, you just have to know something... and if you dont know it, it will keep nagging you. It will be like a scab that you will want to pick little by little, till you see that new skin underneath and smile or break the skin and bleed. Knowledge will either get you happiness or sorrow - it has to be one or the other.
       What I want to say is that I'd like to ignore that news item, and not write there and then, as it is bound to end up in my blog.
       Take today for instance, the principal of a school has asked the teachers working there not to get pregnant. I'd like to imagine my boss saying that to me, but I can;t do that, my bosses have not been such control freaks. They however have always wanted to know well in advance, if I was pregnant and when is the expected due date, so as to get a replacement handy while I take a maternity leave.
       My two pregnancies have led to two wonderful babies and a move to another country (so far - both times), so even when I try to put myself in the shoes of those teachers who got to hear that, I cant. I'm glad I dont work in that school though.
       Lets see, one good thing I learnt from both my teachers from both my classes last year was the renewal of intention or Niyah. Deeds are rewarded on their intention, for example, if I intend to be kind to my child, I get reward for it and if I am ACTUALLY kind to my child, I will get 10 times the reward. Reward of a good deed gets to be from 11 for one intention to as much as Allah wants to give. How cool is that!
        My teachers told us to renew our neeyah (neeyat) or intention each morning we come to class, that we are doing this for Allah SWT. SubhanAllah it made so much sense, because when something becomes a routine like classes every week, same day, same time, you tend to weaken your resolve and some other intention creeps in, like Im doing it because I get to meet so-and-so or because I get to obtain such-and-such. The purity of intention is key here for the multiplicity of reward.
         So each time we pray salah, we have to do the neeyah, and even if it is 5 times a day or more... imagine the sawab / reward you are getting just by doing the neeyah alone.
      SubhanAllah. Allah gives and forgives. Man gets and forgets.
ma asalama.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

ESTAWOO = Arrange yourselves

 In the program called (ONE FAMILY) on MAJD channel
The speaker was Dr.Yahya Alyahya (head of the CALL to Islam Committee)
He said that Muslims are never disorganized; they just need to be CONVINCED.

The American man was amazed by how crowded the masjid was, more than 3 million
Muslims were there at the last night of the holy month of 
Ramadan, so crowded, so

The sheikh asked the Non-Muslim man: How long do you think they
'll take to organize
themselves in rows and start the Salaat
He answered: at least 2-3 hours
The sheikh said: but the masjid (HARAM) of Kaaba is 4 floors
The man said: OH, this will make it about 12 hours then
The sheikh said: put in your mind that they are from countries all over the world with
different languages.

Then the Salaat time came, and Sheikh Sudais of Makkah stood up and said
(ESTAWOO)=Arrange yourselves

And within seconds, the whole scene changed and the crowd of 3 million Muslims
arranged themselves in well-organized rows in NO TIME



The American man stared at the TV screen for a moment, and then said:


(I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but ALLAH, and I bear witness that Mohammad
 is His Servant and Messenger)