kids have a thing with paper, and babies ADORE paper.
It is the first food group for them, right up there next to milk.
My baby is no different. She loves paper, so much so that she can eat a book if you let her.
The first book she ate was Stephen King's Pet Semetary. It was very embarassing for me, as it was borrowed from my sister-in-law, but Alhamdolillah, she understood.
Later on she developed a taste for Reader's Digest... she has a go at it every month, and she knows where to find it too, right under my pillow. Each time i oversleep, she nibbles on a page.
Then her teeth came out. And she got better control of the fingers, so she learnt that you can do other things with a book, like flipping the papers.
Next thing i know, she can reach the second last shelf in my book case. The last shelf (bottom-most) contains my craft books and magazines and they are so many that they are packed tight. Also they are hardcover ones, so a bit heavy for her.
This second last shelf contains paperbacks, novels, folders, my completed craft folder etc. and it was here that she found her second stephen king's novel (The Green Mile).
My husband saw it and asked me to take it away and i said let her play with it, she is only flipping thru it (which was exactly what she was doing right then). That was yesterday.
Today, she was flipping thru it again, and well, right now, she torn a bit from the front cover. I guess she is teething again. Now she is lying down on the floor cushion, and i think she will nod off any minute now.
She has developed a TASTE for Stephen King! And in her words, it is "Aaaain Hainnn"
Oh wait there is more , she has added "hattttt taaaaaaaaaaaa" to it too.
Go figure!