Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Load shedding in Sharjah

Pakistan has it, India has it... with citizens getting used to it by now. Used to it, because, we never learn from our mistakes when we have the time and the money and the resources and the people willing to do something about it.
Now, Load-shedding visits Sharjah....
At home, we keep having these discussions, that with the dwindling sources of energy, we need to simplify our lives and make ourselves and our kids used to getting by with lesser water, lesser electricity and lesser gas. Save whatever you have now and dont waste!
Being a child, I remember getting scolded by my grandparents if we happened to leave a room with the light and/or the fan on. Come to think of it, how long does it take to switch on a fan or a light?
And water .... don't get me started here. Living in Karachi, water was already a luxury where we were buying tankers. Then to see it go waste because someone left a tap open.... *sigh*. I wish my kids learn now, without my having to scold them. My daughter has a thing with running water, and my son loves to give the bathroom a bath before he settles down to give himself one.
When I was younger, my father used to tell us a story from his childhood. If he or his siblings dropped a small food crumb on the floor, they were told that they will have to pick it up with their eyelashes. My father used to practice picking up a grain of salt with his eyelashes :) and he said that with practice he could vouch for the fact that it cannot be done. So if you drop something on the floor, do pick it up, clean it and eat it. This reminds me that if you pick up a crumb from the table or دسترخوان and eat it, it has 4 benefits: 1) it improves your eye-sight, 2) it gives barakah to your age, 3) barakah to your sustenance (رزق) and 4) it gives you صالح أولاد (God-fearing children).

Oh, if you want to read about the load-shedding in Sharjah, search for it :) You will find that it also had to go without water and power in 2009. Don't think that just because you are not in a place where there aren't any water, power or gas outages, you can indulge all you want. We all got there by excessive indulgence already.
So, let me end this from one of the verses of the song of Seoul Olympics from the1988 "We can make this world a better place in which to live .... Hand in hand we stand, all across the land ... Hand in hand, we can, start to understand"

1 comment:

Humaira Hussain said...

@ they will have to pick it up with their eyelashes . Yup so true Somaiya, isn`t that what we all practiced to fear while growing up,I`m failing to teach that to my kids it seems but its never too late so inshaAllah.

Humaira Hussain