Friday, March 02, 2007

My Body Clock needs new batteries...

so where was i? right a few weeks ago, thanks to WoW (World of Warcraft), I had sleepless nights, which led to sleeping thru the daytime. The only problem was that I wasnt even playing it. It was my husband.
some years ago, he started playing at night, and the first game was Myth. It was around the time I had my first kid, and he thought my hands are full already, so he picked up something he could while his time away with.
During that time, I remember having a fever fit, and calling him, and he was busy playing Myth.
Ever since, whenever I hear or read Myth... it brings back BAD memories.

Off the tangent here.... Earth calling....

... so now this time round, I have another kid, and the current game is WoW. Advanced as it is played online, and social as you play with others. Unsocial as it is a one-player game, and the REAL ppl around you arent playing it.

Why does it bother me? Let me count the ways...

1 - As I do most of my things online, like reading a newspaper, doing puzzles, posting notes, chatting with friends, once he is online, I cant do all those.

2 - We have a broadband connection, so we are paying more for it, so it is a good excuse for not getting the newspaper (with the puzzles) as whats the point of it (still i get to buy a newspaper every once in a while)

3 - he wants me to use his laptop during this time, so I can play games with it. The laptop touch pad mouse is BAD for games... after I complained abt it, he got me a BETTER mouse for it.
(so this point doesnt hold anymore)

4 - my daughter wakes up if neither of us are in bed, and then cries her lungs out. As I already hear enough of it during the day, I dont want to hear it at night also, and my husband gets the blame for it.

5 - As I already slept thru the day, so I need to have something to do at night, and now that the daughter is crying non-stop, I have to go play with her, and so that means, she will not be sleeping any time soon and that will make me cranky as when will I get to do MY THING?

6 - WOW, I can go on and on about this...

Seriously, Im so thankful to Allah, that while we were kids, there was no internet, and so we had our parents to ourselves, and our parents had each other all the time. There was no fighting a non-entity over who gets more time, the net or the family.
While talking abt it with some elders, one remarked, ab tum apnay bachon ke khair manaoo...
(meaning, now you better start worrying about your kids)

Come to think of it, most parents my age or younger or older, are spending a lot of time on the net, most singles are also doing it, whatever time we get after (and during) work, or school, we spend it on the web... we are so much into cyber space, that we get spaced out while being with real people and especially, people who matter, like our family, our spouse, our parents, our siblings and OUR kids.

I'll leave you with that, as my daughter just woke up and I have spent the entire night awake on the net, and its 8 am...

I need help!


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